❄️澳洲 走地豬梅肉 Australia Valenca Free Range Pork Collar

種類 Type of cut



$190/kg 切扒每包2-3塊約450g per pack of 2-3 steaks 火鍋片每包約300g per pack of hotpot slices * 豬隻可在最少的干預下遊走 * 高生物安全性,確保非常衛生的環境 * 絕無生長賀爾蒙,不含化學殘留物、生長激素 Valenca 走地豬是100%澳洲優質和有走地認證的豬肉產品。飼料以小麥和大麥等天然穀物從澳洲農場購入,有機廢物以禾稈和糞肥的形式循環使用回饋大地,能取代使用化肥的需求。 * Allows every pig to roam around with minimum intervention * High bio security to ensure very hygienic environment * No added hormones, free from chemical residues and growth stimulants Valenca Free Range Pork is a premium 100% Australian and Free Range Certified pork product. Natural grains like wheat and barley are purchased from Australian farms and incorporated into our feeds. Organic Waste is produced as straw and manure, composted and returned to the land. This replaces the need for chemical fertilizers.
