❄️日本 急凍原條喜之次 Japan Frozen Whole Kinki Fish



每條約300g 喜之次魚是一種在日本北海道發現的稀有魚,是北海道最好吃和最多脂肪的魚,魚肉潔白、多汁嫩滑、細膩,受歡迎程度什至有專門捕撈喜之次的漁民。 可以燒烤、汁煮、烤焗,烤的過程中,魚的油脂溢出,香氣撲鼻而且外脆內軟。焗好後根據喜好配檸檬汁、醬油和蘿蔔泥,鮮美可口。日本人的居酒屋中常見這道菜,用來佐酒,價格又合理,所以非常受人歡迎。 “Kinki” fish is a rockfish that is a rare fish found in Hokkaido, it is Hokkaido's best and fattiest fish. There are dedicated teams of fisherman that specializes only in catching Kinki fish. You will be amazed at how tasty it is. Kinki fish is considered a delicacy in Japan for their succulent and fatty white flesh. Tender, delicate, and sweet flesh that falls off the bone. An amazing fish from Hokkaido. A must try ! Defrost the product in refrigerator. After defrosting, grill on the stove with medium heat, flip 2 sides until the fish is cooked. It is used as nibbles for drinks or can be eaten with white rice. Best to add lemon juice, pair with japan thick soy sauce, and radish puree.
