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♻️日本 結緣烏冬麵 Japan Kakizato Handmade Vegan Udon Set
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一盒 One box
三盒可混五色麵包 Any 3 boxes
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每盒六個 75g× 6 * 全人手編織 * 每盒連精美包裝紙,送禮極佳(需自行包裝) * 禮盒尺寸:24 × 16.5 × 5.5cm * 如訂購三盒混合素麵及烏冬,請註明 Kakizato 是富山縣的一家專門造懷石料理的餐廳。原意是希望贈送一些有祝福意義的紀念品給客人,於是將這種有170年的編織技術,造成一些像花朶一樣美麗的編織麵條,於餐卓上為客人奉上。由於極受欣賞及歡迎,發展成代表性的紀念品。 這些寓意吉祥,每個像盛開花朵一樣可愛的乾麵,美麗得令人著迷,一般能令收禮者驚喜萬分!適合作任何節日,喜慶日子之禮物例如生日、週年紀念。體面又與眾不同。 成份: 日本麵粉、鹽、櫻花粉、澱粉 / 鈣酸 * 100% hand weaved * Each gift box comes with an unique and beautiful wrapping paper * Gift box size : 24 × 16.5 × 5.5cm * Please state mix qty of each if you wish to order 3+ boxes to include both noodle and udon Kakizato is a restaurant in Toyama Prefecture that specializes in Kaiseki cuisine. The original intention was to present some blessing to their guests, so they used this 170-year weaving technology to create these woven noodles that are as beautiful as flowers and served them on the table. Because it is highly appreciated and welcomed, it has developed into a representative souvenir. Each dried noodle, carrying auspicious meanings, is as lovely as a blooming flower, fascinatingly beautiful and usually surprises the person receiving the them! It is a decent and unique gift for any festivals or for any festive days eg. Birthdays, anniversaries Ingredients : Japan flour, salt, Sakura powder, starch / calcium acid
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