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♻️日本 南瓜蒟蒻拉麵 Japan Pumpkin Konjac Ramen
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一包 One pack
三包 Three packs
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每包200g * 無麩質,全無脂肪、膽固醇 * 非常低卡路里,冷熱皆宜 Shirataki麵條由魔芋製成,魔芋以其豐富的健康成分而聞名,含豐富纖維,低熱量和無麩質,用傳統方法手工製作的。這些魔芋麵用紅蘿蔔和小米混合,有助於中和魔芋特有的自然氣味。 這包魔芋麵只有28卡路里,而含很高,相當於2頭生菜的膳食纖維。不含任何防腐劑、添加劑或味精。食用十分方便,只需用水沖洗後就能使用。無論作湯拉麵、沾麵、冷麵、意大利粉等等不同款式都適合。 成份: 蒟蒻粉、米粉、糯小米、稗粟小米、蔬菜混合物(紅蘿蔔 / 紅椒粉 / 番茄 / 薯仔 / 菠菜 / 南瓜)、氫氧化鈣 * Gluten free, no fat, no cholesterol * Very little calories. Can be served hot or cold Shirataki noodles are made from konjac (Konnyaku), an Asian yum plant widely known for its abundance of healthy ingredients. The fiber-rich, low calorie, and gluten-free noodles are handmade using traditional methods. These shirataki noodles are kneaded with carrots and millets, which help to neutralize the unpleasant natural smell of konjac and add a subtle flavor and color of the carrots. This package of shirataki noodles contains only 28kcal, and lots of dietary fiber, which is equal to 2 heads of lettuce. It does not contain any preservatives, additives, or MSG. Noodle is ready to use after rinsing with water, suitable to serve as soup ramen, cold noodle, Korean style or Italian pasta style etc. Ingredients: Konjac Flour, Rice Flour, Glutinos Millet, Barnyard Millet, Prepared vegetable mix (Carrot, Paprika, Tomato, Potato, Spinach, Pumpkin), Calcium Hydroxide
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