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♻️意大利 有機甜辣茄汁 Italy Curtice Brothers Organic Sweet Chili Ketchup
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每支270ml per bottle * 使用七種不同的椒類製作 * 使用新鮮番茄,不是濃縮再還原的番茄醬 * 使用可持續和有機農場的原料 * 少糖、少鹽,而且明顯地更美味! * 無麩質、植物性飲食認證 * 由2018連續三年獲Great Taste Award 冠軍 由新鮮番茄、洋蔥、香料和意大利醋製成,成分都是從可持續有機農業中精心挑選的。 更少的糖和更少的鹽代表Curtice Brothers 茄汁比市場上其他醬汁更健康。 Curtice Brothers 茄汁用最新鮮的原料製成,要達至最頂峰的風味,茄汁以低溫和最短的時間煮成後,必須再在瓶中藴釀一個月才能完成! 成份: 水、糖*、混合辣椒甜椒*、番茄*、醋*、蒜頭* * 來自有機農場 * Made with a variation of 7 different types of chillies * Fresh Tomatoes. No Concentrate. * Sustainable and organic farming ingredients * Less sugar and salt, but remarkably more tasty! * Certified for a gluten free and plant-based diet * Great Taste Award winner in 2018, 2019, and 2020 A ketchup from a time when there was no tomato concentrate and only fresh ingredients counted. Made with fresh tomatoes, white onions, spices and balsamic vinegar, ingredients are all carefully selected from sustainable organic farming. Less sugar and less salt make these sauces healthier than others on the market. Curtice Brothers ketchup is crafted from the freshest ingredients, cooked at the lowest temperature and the shortest period possible, it has to rest in the bottle for one month to bring out its unique flavour before the ketchup can be sent out ! Ingredients : Water, sugar *, chilli mix *, tomatoes *, vinegar *, garlic * * From organic farming
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