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♻️巴西 熱帶雨林巴西堅果 Brazil Rainforest Brazil Nuts
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每包200g * 因硒含量十分高,建議每天吃不超過1-3粒 巴西堅果已被認為是最健康的堅果之一,特別是由於其異常高的硒含量,比起一般人認為硒含量很高的蠔還要高出22倍! 硒這種微量元素不僅有抗發炎和防癌的效果,研究顯示,巴西堅果除了能降膽固醇指數,還能降低體內的氧化壓力,加強血管的功能。 巴西堅果還能抗過敏、改善氣喘。有研究顯示,將硒和魚油結合,可以使25%的肺腺癌幹細胞自我凋亡,可望成為癌症輔助治療;也有許多研究發現,攝護腺癌、肺腺癌、大腸直腸癌、乳腺癌等患者,體內硒濃度愈高,復發率也較低。 另外,身體常出現發炎或氧化,其中一個原因是體內抗氧化物濃度的下降。巴西堅果含極強大的抗氧化能力,可以對抗自由基、紓緩炎症,從而提升整體健康。研究指出,食用三個月的巴西堅果,具有明顯抗發炎的效果,讓身體的免疫功能在面對病毒和細菌時,發揮該有的防禦功效。 硒還有助於降低體內的重金屬汞含量,從而降低體內癌症的發病率。研究也表示,巴西果含有高含量的不飽和脂肪酸,而這種無麩質堅果也是膳食纖維的極好來源 * Limit intake to no more than 1-3 nuts per day due to high level of selenium Brazil nuts are tree nuts native to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. Their smooth, buttery texture and nutty flavor are typically enjoyed raw or blanched. Eating Brazil nuts may benefit your health in several ways, including regulating your thyroid gland, reducing inflammation, and supporting your heart, brain, and immune system. 7 proven health and nutrition benefits of Brazil nuts: 1. Brazil nuts are energy dense and rich in healthy fats, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E 2. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. One nut can contain 175% of the RDI. Selenium is an essential trace element that is vital for your immune system, thyroid gland, and cell growth 3. Your thyroid gland produces hormones that are necessary for growth, metabolism, and body temperature regulation. One Brazil nut contains enough selenium to support the production of thyroid hormones and proteins that protect your thyroid 4. Brazil nuts contain antioxidants like selenium, vitamin E, and phenols. Just one nut per day can lead to reduced inflammation. Nevertheless, your intake needs to be consistent to continue experiencing the benefit 5. Eating Brazil nuts may boost your heart health by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol, increasing HDL (good) cholesterol, and improving blood vessel function 6. Brazil nuts contain ellagic acid, which may have protective effects on your brain. Additionally, selenium may reduce your risk of some brain diseases and improve mental performance and mood. Yet, further research is needed
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